Vladyslav Zahladko moved from Kyiv, Ukraine to study MSc Innovation and Industrial Management at the School of Business, Economics and Law in 2021. Today he is working as a DIM analyst at Volvo Group in Gothenburg.

Vladyslav works as a DIM Analyst at Volvo Group

Average monthly salary

The Master’s students initial salary is between 35 000–36 999 SEK.

The survey comprises students who took a Master’s degree, 2022.

Josefine Gillbrand works in the financial sector. In her role, she helps financial institutions and companies to improve their operations. At the School, Josefine studied the Bachelor's Programme in Business and Economics and then the Master's programme in Accounting and Financial Management.

Josefine is a management consultant at Avanti Corporate Development

With a Bachelor's degree in economics and a Master's degree in Management, Malin Setterström gained variety and breadth in her education, something she feels she has greatly benefited from today in her work as a management consultant at Fortos Management Consulting.

Malin works as a Management Consultant

Agnes Knutsson from Linköping studied the Bachelor's Programme in Business and Economics, and has a Bachelor's degree in Financial Economics. She wanted to add a focus on practical business problems and working with cases and chose to continue her studies on the Master's programme Innovation and Industrial Management. Agnes graduated in June 2021 and now works as a management consultant in Gothenburg.

Agnes is a Management Consultant in Strategic and Digital Transformation

Sammy-Sebastian Tawakkoli has been thinking about sustainability all his life. Now he’s applying what he learnt at the School of Business, Economics and Law to increase plastic recycling. His new company Atomler has already attracted users from around the world.

The image of the Albanian garbage mountain is always there

After graduating from the Master's programme in Finance, alumnus Kamol Khodjaev started at Volvo Cars and ended up as the company's CFO in Japan. He is now Head of Program Finance at Amazon Japan. All thanks to hard and goal-oriented work.

Kamol is Head of Program Finance at Amazon Japan

During a course in economics, Anna Fäldt's interest in analysing large amounts of data deepened. In her role as People Data Analyst at Volvo Cars, she works with data and analyses the company's most important resource - its employees.

Anna analyses Volvo's most important resource

The former grassroots activist has stepped into the rooms where the real climate decisions are made. Alumnus Björn Fondén has worked towards the transition to a sustainable world in non-profits, businesses and in the UN. Where does he see the greatest opportunity to make a difference?

Björn went from being a climate activist to working for the UN

Useful knowledge and skills

90% of the Master’s students thought they had great use for knowledge and skill acquired during their education.

Education required

93% of the Master’s students found a job where a university education was required.

Recommending the School

95% of the Master’s students would recommend the School to prospective students.

Graduates hired quickly

93% of the Master’s students found employment within 6 months of completing their studies. 72% found positions before they completed their studies.

What happens after graduation?

Since 2008, the School of Business has conducted follow-up surveys among students who graduated from the undergraduate program the previous year. The surveys provide answers to questions such as Where do students work today? How did they get their first job? and In which sectors do they work?

After Your Studies

Josefine Gillbrand works in the financial sector. In her role, she helps financial institutions and companies to improve their operations. At the School, Josefine studied the Bachelor's Programme in Business and Economics and then the Master's programme in Accounting and Financial Management.

Josefine is a management consultant at Avanti Corporate Development

Vladyslav Zahladko moved from Kyiv, Ukraine to study MSc Innovation and Industrial Management at the School of Business, Economics and Law in 2021. Today he is working as a DIM analyst at Volvo Group in Gothenburg.

Vladyslav works as a DIM Analyst at Volvo Group

Average monthly salary

The Master’s students initial salary is between 35 000–36 999 SEK.

The survey comprises students who took a Master’s degree, 2022.

With a Bachelor's degree in economics and a Master's degree in Management, Malin Setterström gained variety and breadth in her education, something she feels she has greatly benefited from today in her work as a management consultant at Fortos Management Consulting.

Malin works as a Management Consultant

Agnes Knutsson from Linköping studied the Bachelor's Programme in Business and Economics, and has a Bachelor's degree in Financial Economics. She wanted to add a focus on practical business problems and working with cases and chose to continue her studies on the Master's programme Innovation and Industrial Management. Agnes graduated in June 2021 and now works as a management consultant in Gothenburg.

Agnes is a Management Consultant in Strategic and Digital Transformation

During a course in economics, Anna Fäldt's interest in analysing large amounts of data deepened. In her role as People Data Analyst at Volvo Cars, she works with data and analyses the company's most important resource - its employees.

Anna analyses Volvo's most important resource

After graduating from the Master's programme in Finance, alumnus Kamol Khodjaev started at Volvo Cars and ended up as the company's CFO in Japan. He is now Head of Program Finance at Amazon Japan. All thanks to hard and goal-oriented work.

Kamol is Head of Program Finance at Amazon Japan

The image of the Albanian garbage mountain is always there

Sammy-Sebastian Tawakkoli has been thinking about sustainability all his life. Now he’s applying what he learnt at the School of Business, Economics and Law to increase plastic recycling. His new company Atomler has already attracted users from around the world.

Björn went from being a climate activist to working for the UN

The former grassroots activist has stepped into the rooms where the real climate decisions are made. Alumnus Björn Fondén has worked towards the transition to a sustainable world in non-profits, businesses and in the UN. Where does he see the greatest opportunity to make a difference?

95% of the Master’s students would recommend the School to prospective students.

Recommending the School

Useful knowledge and skills

93% of the Master’s students found a job where a university education was required.

90% of the Master’s students thought they had great use for knowledge and skill acquired during their education.

Education required

93% of the Master’s students found employment within 6 months of completing their studies. 72% found positions before they completed their studies.

Graduates hired quickly

What happens after graduation?

Since 2008, the School of Business has conducted follow-up surveys among students who graduated from the undergraduate program the previous year. The surveys provide answers to questions such as Where do students work today? How did they get their first job? and In which sectors do they work?

After Your Studies